'सात-फरेई' pt.2

Hello Everyone! Today we will discuss what's Dala, Paneecha etc. And complete Farei!

Dala: Dala consists of the following:

Namely- 1 Ghaat & 1 Ghaat's Liptaiya; 1 Lili (a saree in Blue colour) & 1 Lili's Liptaiya; 1 Jhuna & 1 Jhuna's Liptaiya and last Kamiya. The Ghaat & Kamiya comes from Mother's Dad's home; Lili comes from Mother's Chacha's home; Jhuna's comes from Mother's Mama's home. Guja-Mattha, Parat with wheat grains, 2 pair of clothes for Husband, 20 sets of women clothing and 20 pairs of men clothing. 

The Mother gives gifts (clothes, coconut, shagun) to the Brothers who comes with Dala. 

Thapa Pujan Vidhi: It is performed after 'Saat', the feast meal. Priest is called to perform this ritual. Sil Chidakna is a part of this veneration. Sil consists of 50 mathris, mithai & shagun whatever you want to.

The Mother eats the feast meal by wearing 'Lili'. Afterwards, the Mother wears a Saree from her in- laws side which is called 'Sasural Ki Ghaat'. And pretend to be dishearten, and ladies from the family try to entertain her by singing folk songs & pray to , and later on the girl's Father-in-law makes her up.

The girl comes out from the room with diya called Anjiri. Now, every elder present their do Paneecha. In Paneecha every elder gives mother gifts.

After Paneecha, one ritual names 'Saal Saloni' is performed. In this ritual the mother and father do puja of bed, Mother puts tilak on forehead of her Husband and than he puts bindi on forehead of the Mother. Coconut is distributed as Prasad by remembering the ancestors of the Family.


The second day all rituals of Farei are performed.
Things needed:
  1. Kamiya, a saree in light color with May Devata drawn on it.
  2. 20kgs soaked chana.
  3. 1 parat
  4. 50 pcs. Guja-Mattha
  5. 5kgs Rice.
  6. 1 Plate with Coconut & Shagun comes from Mother's house.
Firstly, chowk is made in aangan or courtyard & mother and dad sits on patta. The mother wears Ghaat of Dala & a garland of Gooler. The mother rests a doll in her lap. Then the brother-in-law (younger brother,devar) of the mother blows conch (shankh) near to the ear of mother. As it is believed Shankh-naad removes all the negative energies and disease causing pathogens or others microbes from all around. It gives Happy and Healthy environment to the baby. We know the idea behind the whole function is purification, Mantra-chanting, Shankh-naad not only purifies ones soul but also purifies the environment in which one lives in. Sister-in-law (devrani) makes juice of dhup and gives this to mother.
The Priest do rest all rituals and Hawan.
Chatra Tanna: This is performed by Father, Uncles, Grandfathers of the Father-to-be. All these people get a Duppata and some Bhet which comes from Mother's family.

Secondly, Sara-Vara chowk Pujan is performed, in this chowk is made and the mother & mother in law sits on patta in front of each other. Now the mother in law takes 7 lotas; 3 lotas in one hand & 4 in other and do the parabola thing(usarna) in air and the lotas in right hand are placed on left side & vice versa.
In dala, a parat also comes with wheat grain in it. Sisters in law of the mother do 'gehu ulichna' which means they take wheat grain in their parats and wear Kamiya.
Now, the mother-in-law makes 7 small rounds of Atta. Now she throws these rounds all together with soaked chana in different directions. And rest of the chanas are distributed among everyone after keeping some for Gaunni-Devata.
After the complete function Sister-in-law do Aarto of Mother and Father.
The Brother of Mother comes & make her eat auspicious Pan.

After this the mother go to her parents house and perform Dheri-Pujan.
She takes 50 bijaure (a dish of khoya and it weights 200gms each) from her house.

That is it for today!


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